Series-2 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Digital Banking an Indian Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. (Smt.) Rajeshwari M. Shettar |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1003020105 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present scenario, the demand of banking is anytime, anywhere banking, this requires innovative robust secure optimized and ready to meet the expectations of empowered and tech savvy customers. Digital transformation is just moving from traditional banking to a digital world. It is a vital change in how banks and other financial institutions learn about, how to interact with and satisfy the customers. An effective digital transformation begins with an understanding of digital customer behavior, preferences, choices, requirements, and aspirations etc. This transformation leads to the major changes in the organizations from product centric to customer centric.........
Keywords: Digitalization, Banking in India, Innovations, Technology
[1]. Raghavendra Nayak "A Conceptual Study on Digitalization of Banking - Issues and Challenges in Rural India", International Journal of management, IT and Engineering, 2018.
[2]. K. Suma Vally and K. Hema Divya "A Study on Digital Payments in India with Perspective of Consumer's Adoption", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2018.
[3]. Mathangi R. , Latasri O.T. and Isaiah Onsarigo Miencha "Improving Service Quality through Digital Banking - Issues and Challenges", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2017.
[4]. Ipsita Paria and Dr. Arunangshu Giri "A Literature Review on Impact of Digitalization on Indian Rural Banking System and Rural Economy", Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2018.
[5]. Anthony Rahul Golden S. "An Overview of Digitalization in Indian Banking Sector", Indo - Iranian Journal of Scientific Research (IIJSR), October -December, 2017.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze and explain the implementation of good corporate governance as an independent variable and financial engineering quality, as a mediating variable on firm performance. This research was conducted at corporate companies in Makassar which consisted of 12 types of industries. This study uses a survey method with the collection of primary data sources. Purposive sampling was used in this study with a total sample of 111 respondents. Data were analyzed using regression analysis with Partial Least Square- SEM techniques. The results of the study prove that there has no directly significant effectof good corporate governance on firm performance, good corporate governance has a significant effect on the performance of the company through financial engineering quality; and financial engineering quality has a significant effect on the performance of corporate companies in Makassar
Keywords: good corporate governance, financial engineering quality, and firm Performance
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Abstract: This study examines the impact financial deepening on the contribution of Service-Producing sectors to economic growth in Nigeria over the period 1985 – 2017 using the Johansen approach to co-integration analysis and Vector Error Correction Model. Controlling for the possible effects of exchange rate and trade openness on economic activities in these non-oil sectors, this study found indicators of financial deepening statistically significant in driving in the long-term and indicates no relationship in the short run in all the non-oil sectors. In particular, money supply showed a negative relationship with Service-Producing sector contribution to GDP in the long run. Second, credit to private sector showed that there exists a positive relationship with the non-oil contribution.......
Keywords: financial deepening, economic growth; non-oil sectors; Service-Producing sector; Nigeria; johansencointegration.
[1]. Adeniyi, O., Oyinlola, A., Omisakin, O., &Egwaikhide, F. O. (2015). Financial development and economic growth in Nigeria: Evidence from threshold modelling. Economic Analysis and Policy, 47, 11-21.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Sectorial Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment on Growth in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Eugene Iheanacho |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1003022734 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the impact of sectorial contribution of Foreign Direct investment on growth in Nigeria over the period of 1985 to 2017 using the ARDL approach to cointegration analysis. Three macroeconomic variables are employed: Foreign direct investment in agriculture, Foreign direct investment in Petroleum Profit tax, Foreign direct investment in mining & quarryover the study period. The results suggest that in the long run all the variable statistically insignificant on exerting influence on real gdp. In the short run, only contribution of fdi to petroleum tax profit is significant in exerting influence on realgdp. This study has some policy implications. Policies aimed at improving and reducing macroeconomic instability will be beneficial for FDI flows to the continent. Finally, policies aimed at attracting FDI are necessary because higher FDI flows can cause more banking and financial development.........
Keywords: FDI, ARDL, Macroeconomic variables
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Abstract: Poverty is one of the complex problems because covers various aspects of the community life. HDI low is one of the problems can improve poverty, therefore HDI is one used as economic indicators to review the problem of poverty. Poverty alleviation must be implemented comprehensively from various sectors. Are also needed cooperation from the community and the seriousness of the government in dealing with this problem. With no shortage of natural resources owned bojonegoro especially in the oil and gas sector, should help to reduce poverty in the region. When GRDP Bojonegoro is the highest second in east java, But the fact Bojonegoro is 10 districts in East Java with high levels of poverty. This study aims to analyze how the influence of, (1) GRDP on poverty level in Bojonegoro 2007-2016 year, (2) HDI on poverty level in Bojonegoro 2007-2016 year, and (3) GRDP and HDI on poverty level in Bojonegoro 2007-2016 year.
Keywords: Gross Regional Domestik Product, Human Development Indeksand Poverty
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Abstract: The trend in external borrowing by Kenyan government has been increasing while economic growth has shown fluctuating trend. External debt rose from 2.04 billion in 1970 to 1.14 trillion in 2014 .Annual growth rate was 5.9% in the period 1978-1979 and dropped to 3.1% in the period 1979-2001 and later increased to 4.4% in the period 2002-2014.Following lack of consensus from empirical perspective, relationship between external budget deficit financing and economic growth is not clear. Subsequently, despite the role of external budget deficit financing to the government financing mechanisms, there are conflicting information about their effect on economic growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of external budget deficit financing mechanisms............
[1]. Abu, M. and J. O. Achegbulu (2012). The impact of fiscal deficits on economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Business and Management, 4(2),127-132.
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[5]. Checherita, C. &Rother, P. (August 2010). The Impact of High and Growing Government Debt on Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation for the Euro Area. Working Paper Series, No. 1237, The European Central Bank.
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Abstract: Somalia has suffered instability and civil war in the last two decades, which have wedged the economy of the country as wells as population. Although Somalia is the one of the impoverished country, it has registered a small growth in recent years. This study examines the short run impact of livestock export on economic growth in Somalia using annual time series data for the period 1990 – 2015 by applying cointegration analysis and vector error correction model (VECM). Cointegration was performed under Engle-and Johansen co-integration tests and a VECM were applied according to its result. Our model results point of the association between variables on a short run. The empirical...........
Keywords: Livestock-Export; Economic Growth; Cointegration test; VECM, Somalia
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